10 Proven Tips for Growing Petunias from seed Like a Pro

How to grow Petunia from seed? This is a complete guide with 9 tips how to grow petunias from seed.


Petunia is a popular flowering plant in the world. It is used for decoration. It is best for home use. It takes effort to grow and care. It has vibrant colors. It can increase the beauty of the landscape.

Its scientific name is Petunia. It is a South American Origin plant. Its genus has 20 species of flowering plants.

This guide will take you through growing a Petunia from seed. We will tell you the benefits of the Petunia flower. Now, all the steps of the Petunia flower growing with seed are given below:

Step 1: Preparing The Soil:


prepare soil for petunia

Petunia is the best selection of beauty. If you want to grow your Petunia at home or anywhere, prepare the soil first.

As you can see, it is essential to prepare the soil effectively. If the soil health is good, the seed will grow and bloom. Images of Petunia 

We prepare the soil in such a way that:

Process of mixing soil:

We mix soil in a big container in such a way that it mixes well. After mixing compost and sandy soil, it should be in powder form. Mix it well, and then a Petunia plant will grow effectively.

Step 2:  Choose Best Seed


There is a big question that arises in every gardener. Which is the best seed for Petunia? How do you select the best seed? The answer is to go to Amazon.com and search for “best petunia seed.” When search results show, choose a high-rated seller and order it. You can see the company from the description. Contact them and ask them for the best Petunia results. Visit for Images of Petunia. Tell them about the environment, and they will suggest the best seed. I am giving you some suggestions here:

Petunia Variety:

A variety of Petunia is available in the market. All varieties are different in color, size, and shape. If you need more information about Petunia’s types, then Visit Here.

Some Important varieties are given below:

  1. Grandiflora
  2. Multiflora
  3. Trailing

When selecting the best Petunia seed according to weather conditions, store it at an average temperature.

variety of petunia flower

Time To Start Seed Bowing

It can be sown before acute winter season. Usually it is planted in start of October.  

How To Plant Petunia Seed: Full Process

What temperature is needed for Petunia germination?

It needs 21-24 degree Celsius. It germinates well in direct sunlight. 

Don’t make these mistakes.

  1. Please don’t keep it in darkness.
  2. Don’t water the seed pot with pressure. Otherwise, all seeds will be flown away.
  3. Don’t put the pot or container in the slideway. Please put it in any straight place.

Transplant seed after germination

When you see tiny leaves develop, it is best to transplant them into a larger container or pot.

Prepare a Larger container for transplant:

Prepare a large container to mix anti-fungal mixture or spray into the soil—transplant germinated seed to plant at 12 inches between each plant. 

Giving Fertilizer And Water

Regularly hydrate your petunias, especially when the weather is dry. Aim to keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid excess watering. Apply a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every two to three weeks to encourage healthy development and various blooms.

Deadheading And Pruning

When the plants are between 4 and 6 inches tall, pinch the tops to promote longer growth, extend the flowering period to discourage the development of seed pods, encourage ongoing blooming, and remove faded blossoms regularly.

Common Pests And Diseases Fix

Turn the leaves yellow.

When there is acute weather, its leaves turn yellow. It needs less humidity.


Spray water two times a day to overcome the effects of cold weather. In this way, the acuteness of the weather can be overcome.


You may face a fungal infection if you compromise in choosing the seed. So, choose the best-quality seed.

Important Tips:

Use the best-quality fertilizer to overcome the disease attack. Avoid overhead watering. Otherwise, plants will fall prey to disease.


Petunia is a flowering plant. It has more than 20 varieties. It is germinated by cutting and seed. In this guide, we discussed in detail growing petunia with seed. 

It is a winter-season planted plant. It is produced at the start of October. It germinates after 10 to 12 days. After germination, it is transplanted into a larger container. 

When transplanted into a larger container, any anti-fungal powder or spray is mixed to avoid disease. DAP is used in acute weather to prevent any fungus or disease. 

It blooms well in direct sunlight. It needs a temperature of 21 to 24 degrees Celsius.

It has many shades. Shades depend upon the seed type.

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