How to Grow Parsley at Home: 101 Best Tips

I am giving a brief guide on how to grow parsley at home. It is very easy but some how tricky method. We have to take care of many things growing.

A Brief Guide to Grow Parsley at Home

In the world of home gardening parsley is the best choice. As it is used in our daily kitchen cooking. Its flavor adds more taste to a dish. People use it for presenting dishes more beautifully. It is very easy to grow parsley at home if we follow some tips. 

grow parsley at home
grow parsley at home

It is a very rewarding experience to grow parsley at home. It can be grown in containers also. 

What is Parsley?

It is a very rewarding experience to grow parsley at home. It is a herb. It is used worldwide in dishes. It has two main types of parsley. 1. Curly Leaf Parsely 2. Flat Leaf Parsley. The best way to grow parsley at home is in soil.

Why Parsley is famous?

I am giving you a guide about how to grow parsley at home. Parsley is famous for its taste and beauty. It adds elegance to the dish. It is used in decorating a dish. Every person likes it. Second, it is used in making some tasty pastes that is typically called “chutney”. This chutney is liked in the whole of Asia. Grow parsley at home and get more taste in your dishes.

Select the Right Spot

I am asking the question about how to grow parsley at home. Parsley is a very easy-to-grow herb. It would be best if you chose the right place to grow parsley. If you do not choose, you will not get the required result as you want. Parsley needs 6 to 8 hours of daily sunlight. If you are growing parsley indoors then, keep it in the window where light passes through. 

Preparing the Soil

If you want good results from growing parsley at home then, prepare the soil. Soil provides a base for growing good flourished parsley. Take care of preparing the soil in this way: In this guide, I will help you how to grow parsley at home with a step-by-step guide.

  1. Use a well-drained soil
  2. Use some acidic soil
  3. pH of the soil must be around 6 to 7
  4. First, use some organic compost and mix it in the soil
  5. Use some aged manure to get healthy parsley

How to Grow Parsley at Home

Planting the parsley is a very exciting part of the whole procedure. The first step is to choose a good seed for it. Growing parsley at home is a very interessting hobby.

Planting Parsley using Seed

 To choose a good seed you must take care of these steps:

  1. Seed must be fresh
  2. Seed should not be dead

Tips for Growing Parsley using Seed:

  1. Sow directly into the soil
  2. Keep space of 6 to 8 inches between each seed
  3. The depth of seed sowing must be ¼ to ½ inches.

Planting Parsley using Seedlings

If you want to grow parsley using seedlings then you must take care of these tips:

  1. Transplant the seedlings into the soil as fast as you can.
  2. The Crown of the plant must meet the soil surface

Caring for Your Parsley

Now we have planted the parsley into soil or container. It’s time to know about some tips to get flourished parsley. To get good results you must take care of these steps:


Parsley does not need excessive water. It needs moderate water. When you see the soil is looking dry, water the herb. Water must be enough that reaches to the roots. 


If you want to get good and fast results of growing parsley, then use some good fertilizer. While fertilizers no doubt are chemicals so using them must take care of some steps:

  1. Use some organic fertilizer.
  2. Do not use fertilizer in more than a balanced quantity
  3. Use fertilizer only once a month.
  4. You can use some liquid fertilizer after some weeks


Parsley is an herb. It will grow some bushier things around it. It would be best if you cut the outer bushes. Do not cut the stem of parsley while growing.

Pest and Disease Control

Parsley is a disease-resistant plant. It is rarely attacked by some disease if growing in a healthy environment. There is only a 1% chance of attacking any disease on parsley. So keep an eye on it and seed symptoms of any disease.

If there is any disease then it is not worry. This disease can be demolished by using some insecticidal soap. This insecticidal soap must be put in a spray bottle and kept on spraying. You will see that the disease will go away.

Harvest Parsley for Your Bounty

Now our plant reaches 6 to 8 inches, we can harvest it more. We can harvest it in two ways:

  1. Leaf Harvesting

Snip the stem near the base and sow it into the soil directly. You will see, after some days, parsley will grow into a new plant. Now these leaves will grow also.

  1. Whole Plant Harvesting

You can harvest the whole plant. Cut the parsley about 2 inches above the soil level. Sow it directly into the soil. It will regrow quickly. It will give you a second harvest.

Preserve the Parsley for Later Use

We can preserve the parsley for later use in many ways. Some important ways we will discuss with you. 

  1. Drying: 

If you want to save the parsley for later use then there is a best technique for it. Dry it for future use. 

The process of drying parsley is to hang it upside down in a warm and dry place. Wait, until it is completely dried. Now collect them, grind them, and store them in a glass jar. Now it will not rot for at least 1 year. Use some airtight jar otherwise, it will not be able to use it for about 1 year.

  1. Freezing

If you want to use parsley for later use then freeze it. There are many ways to freeze parsley. 

  1. Fill water into ice cube tray. Put parsley into the water and freeze it. Whenever you want to use it, put out a cube and use it in cooking.
  2. Save in olive oil
  3. Save in mustard oil
  4. Make a pickle and store it for later use.

Tips to Grow Parsley at Home in a Container

If you have less space in your home, then there is a great choice to grow parsley in a container. This container can be kept at any place. It is easy to replace at any place at any time. It can be kept on a balcony, windowsill, or even in any sunny place. 

The best container for growing parsley at home

When you have decided to grow parsley at home in a container. It is very important to select the right container. We keep some important steps in mind while choosing the right container.

  1. Plastic Container:

Plastic containers are very cheap and lightweight. It is effortless to maintain and grow parsley. But there are some important points while using plastic containers. There should be a hole at the bottom of the container. This container be kept at the ground while absorbing excessive water. 

  1. Clay Pot

If there is a clay pot, it is a great choice. Because it has pores in the pot. It is a very healthy pot. One disadvantage of clay pot is that it is heavyweight. Otherwise, it is a very good choice for growing parsley at home while using a clay pot.


There is a great choice to Grow parsley at home. It gives taste and beauty to the dish. It is effortless to grow. Parsley can be grown in two ways.

1. Leaf harvesting

2. Whole plant harvesting.

There are two types of leaves of parsley.

1. Curly leaves

2. Flat leaves.

Parsley is a very delicious herb. It is a fast fast-growing plant. Harvest it when there is a height of 6 to 8 inches. Preserve it for later use. We can save it for later use in two ways.

1. Freezing

2. Drying. 

If you want to get good results from parsley then, take care of these points.

1. Water the plants when needed.

2. Use some organic fertilizer 3. Prepare soil that should be somewhat acidic. 

3. Keep it under full sunlight. 

Parsley can be grown in containers also. Use two containers:

1. Plastic container

2. Clay container

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