A comprehensive guide of potato plant: 10 common mistakes that a farmer do

Learn what do potato plant look like. How potato plant leaves, flowers and tubers also look like? How to grow potato plant, mistakes of farmers.

What are potato plants?

Potato plants belong to the Solanaceae family. Its scientific name is” Solanum tuberosum.”. They have been cultivated for thousands of years. Potatoes are one of the most used vegetables in the world. They are used worldwide. They are grown with the help of tubers.

Potatoes are my favorite vegetable. When we were children, my mom used to boil potatoes and give them to us to eat. We became healthy because we ate it daily at night. Our stomach was strong! We ate it happily.

Potatoes have different varieties. These are salty and sweet. Potatoes are used in different recipes, such as “Potato meat,” “Kabab,” etc. They are used in “Parathas”. Potatoes are pronounced in different languages. They are called ALOO in the subcontinent.

potato plant look like

How do potato leaves look like?

Potato plant leaves are arranged in a spiral. Each leaf is 20–30 cm long. They are put in pairs of 4–5 leaves in one place.

Each potato branch has these parts:

  1. Terminal leaflet
  2. Petiolule
  3. Lateral leaflet
  4. Petiole


potato plant leaf structure
potato plant look like

What do Potato plant flowers look like?

Potato flowers are pink, purple, white, and yellow; many different shades are available in this plant. Their color depends on the type. The potato flower and plant type are given below:

  • Flowering Plant: Angiosperm 
  • Kingdom: Plant
  • Phylum: Magnoliophyte
  • Class: Dicot
  • Potato Order: Solanales

shades of Potato Flowers

There are different shades of potato flowers. They are a purple, white, yellow, and white shade mixture. They look lovely when grown on a potato plant.
The potato plant looks beautiful when the green leaves carry these trendy shades of flowers on them. There are different colors at the center of each flower.

shades of potato plant flowers
nodes or eyes of potatoes

Is potato a stem or flower plant?

It is a stem plant. It has many nodes on it that are usually called nodes or eyes. These eyes further grow into a shoot and new potato plant.

How to grow Potato Plant?

How does a Potato plant start?

Potatoes are grown from seed potatoes. Seed potatoes are those potatoes that have nodes or eyes on them. They are collected in a separate place that has nodes on it. These eyes or nodes grow into new shoots or potato plants.

How does a Potato plant start?

Potatoes are grown from seed potatoes. Seed potatoes are those potatoes that have nodes or eyes on them. They are collected in a separate place that has nodes on it. These eyes or nodes grow into new shoots or potato plants.

How do I collect my seed potato?

make seed potato

We have to select healthy and non-disease potatoes. Potatoes must have nodes. Cut each node into separate parts. Cut 2-inch pieces of potato. Each piece must have at least one node on it.

What is the best soil for potatoes?

Potatoes need well-drained soil. It should be some sandy soil. If soil is poorly drained, it will cause disease. Soil PH level should be 6 to 6.5. If the PH level is five, then it can be tolerated in some cases. But more than five and more than 6.5 is needed for it.

Check: Best gardening tools for every thriving gardener.

What are stages of Potato Plant?

stages of potato plant to grow

What is the best month to plant potatoes?


The best season to plant potatoes is spring, when there is not much humidity in the environment.


The best month to start planting potatoes is “September.”

How much distance is there between each piece of potato seed?

It contains 12-15 inches of distance between each piece of plant seed.

How much depth should it be while sowing seed?

It should be 6-8 inches deep.

When to water the crop of Potato?

It should be water after one week. The water supply should be 1.5 inches.

What are varieties of potatoes?

There are three varieties of potatoes:

Early-season Variety:

It is harvested in the early summer season. It will be ready in almost 60 days. Its skin is thinner. It can be stored for up to 1 week.

  1. Mid-season Variety:

It is harvested in the second half of the summer season. Its time to harvest is 90-100 days after planting. It can be stored for up to 1 month.

   3. Late-season Variety:

It is planted in the last of August or the start of September and harvested 100 to 130 days after planting.

Which fertilizer is needed for the growth of the Potato Plant?

  • In my opinion:

    You have to use organic fertilizer for the growth of potato plants. If you want healthy plant growth, be natural. Don’t go to the chemical fertilizers.

    How long does a potato take to grow after planting?

    It takes three months to rip. Typically, if there is no acute change in weather, it takes 80-90 days to grow.

    When to harvest potatoes?

    The best time to plant potato seeds is in the ” spring” season or in the month of “September.” The best time to harvest is the “winter season” or in December.

Common mistakes while planting potatoes:

What should a farmer already know about planting?

When a farmer starts to sow any item of agriculture, he must be aware of all the points of that item. He should keep these things in mind:

  • What to plant?
  • How to water the plants?
  • After many days, crops need water.
  • Which compost is best for that particular crop?
  • How to save crops from bad weather?
  • How to harvest it?
  • When to harvest it?

Common Mistakes While Planting Potatoes

When a farmer is not familiar with agriculture. He starts to show it. He will not get any benefit from that crop. In our case, while planting potatoes, a farmer makes these common mistakes:

  •  He sows potatoes before or after the spring season.
  •  He does not sow seed potatoes.
  •  He does not know how the distance must be in each seed potato.
  •  He planted them deep and shallow.
  •  He used to water it more than usual or less than usual
  •  He does not know about the quality of fertilizer
  •  He does not have the information on crop needs
  •  He does not know the perfect time to harvest it


Potatoes are a vegetable that is used worldwide. Its leaves are green and arranged in a spiral way. They exist in groups of 4 to 5 leaves.
Its flowers are available in many colors. These colors are white, red, yellow, purple, and many shades.
It is sowed with the use of tubers or seed potatoes. Seed potatoes are potatoes that have eyes or nodes in them.
The seed plant is sowed 5-6 inches deep. It is buried at a distance of 15 inches. Do not sow it deep and shallow.
It is harvested in the Spring season, especially in the month of “September.” After 80-90 days, it is harvested. One farmer should know about planting any crop.
If a farmer does not know how to plant potatoes, he will not get benefits from it. Anyhow, if he does not know how to plant potato seeds to get a crop from them, he does not worry about that. Any age is not bound to learning. He must consult the expert and start to sow.

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