15 easy to grow vegetables in container: A complete guide with calendar

Growing vegetables in container is best way to have fresh vegetables at home. In this guide we will discuss 15 easy to grow vegetables in container.

What is Gardening?

Gardening is a process of planting new siblings. In this process, we can grow fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, etc. Its purpose is to spend our spare time. In this guide, we will discuss 15 easy-to-grow vegetables in containers. It also has many other aims to develop new plants, such as:


What is Vegetable Gardening?

Vegetables are daily eaten items. They are used in the form of salad or cooking. Vegetable gardening is a type of gardening in which we grow vegetables. These vegetables are produced at the industry level or the home level. Vegetable gardening is best for spending our spare time if it is done at home. 

Check also: 20 best gardening tools.

Vegetables can be grown at home. Homemakers and older people like to grow vegetables at home. There are many benefits of growing vegetables at home. Some of them are given below:

vegetables in container
container gardening

What is container gardening?

Gardening done in containers is called container gardening. These containers are plastic containers or concrete. Gardening can be done in plastic bottles also. We will discuss 15 easy to grow vegetables in containers.

 Check: Raise Bed Gardening

Container Quality:

Choosing container is a big question. Clay pots are porous so they absorb water. Planting vegetables in clay pots need more water. Cement pots are also made with such material that they absorb water. So plastic container is much better choice for planting vegetables. They have many benefits such as:

List of vegetables that can be grown?

We are giving you a more precise list of vegetables that can be grown according to season. We will discuss the list of vegetables according to the calendar. 

grow vegetables in container

caring for vegetables gardening

Important points while vegetable gardening in containers

Easy to grow vegetables in container tips

Here are some tips for growing vegetables in container:

potting media for container gardening


Here are given some mistakes that should be avoided while gardening vegetables in container.

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